
2015 Community Planting Days

We have been a part of two community plantings in 2015.  These events remind us of the wonderful community spirit we have in our community and how everyone is willing to help each other out.  We look forward to watching the seedlings grow and mature on the two properties, one on Talbot Road and the other on Qualen Road over the coming years.  We acknowledge the support of the Wheatbelt NRM and Leigh who helped out at both plantings. 

Second Planting Day 2015 - 1st August

We had 14 willing volunteers who braved the early morning rain and cold to plant out just on 4,000 seedlings at Gill and Bruce's property on 1st August 2015. Talbot had enjoyed just on 40mm of rain this week so perfect planting conditions for the seedlings.  It was a great team effort finishing for an early lunch then some site in-filling after lunch. Thank you everyone for your community spirit and great effort again.

Choosing seedlings
Early morning team cold and wet but willing
choosing plants appropriate for the area

the site around the dams

Smiles at the end of the planting

A hot lunch was enjoyed by all